Somewhere in-between and Roxxxy the sex (but not so sexy) robot, exists a sort of fusion between teledildonics and sex bots; remote control fuck machines.
These non-portable much more expensive alternatives to the teledildonics we all know and love, are like the more experienced older-cousins of the scene; Featured on various cam-sites such as for years, these remote phallic robo-intruders (in the geological sense) are controlled via a web-interface allowing the user to make the machine twist, vibe and thrust; bringing their long-distance lover to a satisfying end, depending on their amount of credits of course.
Varying between hundreds and thousands of dollars (like these ShockSpot “Thrusters”), these cold heartless humpers are hardly what you would consider “affordable” for most crowds, so you aren’t likely to see them tucked away in your mother-in-laws drawers (also, they can be huge); but if you can justify spending ridiculous amounts of cash on what looks to be a T-400’s penis you’re in for a treat!

Although none of the services we’ve seen officially implement the Oculus Rift or any other other HMD, I would like to think it will only be a matter of time before we can strap ourselves in, Oculus + Novint + Tenga style, and give a proper pumping to somebody far-away; rather than be limited to the vibrating features that what most of the lower-priced teledildonic fare currently provide. Although I can surmise that with a little tweaking on the software side of things, you could probably get the best of both worlds and control the bigger machine with any of the more common and sanely priced male teledildonics devices.
Given the number of models on the internet currently utilizing such devices, I would imagine it would be worth their time to look into such innovations, so if your best friend happens to be a cam-model, do us all a favor and get her in the know!