Of all the different ideas we do or don’t think about when it comes to the world of VR Porn and teledildonics, it is what kind of different teledildonic/haptic devices we can actually manage to invent.  I’m certain there must be many ideas out there aside from the regular fare, and so far we are seemingly limited to long distance mutual masturbation devices; but wouldn’t it be nice if there were ways to enjoy other forms of stimulation across distances?  like cunnilingus perhaps, or even a blowjob!  i can’t help but think there must be a lot of unthought of applications that we aren’t thinking about here that could lead to another revolution in the way we look at porn/sex.
Although things are definitely taking off in the world of vr porn, it would be nice if developers would begin to think even more outside of the box than they already are; I just think that the medium of virtual reality opens us up to so many possibilities and yet it seems like people are still sort of stuck in the “same old-same old” kind of thinking that they have always been.  Of course this isn’t just limited to virtual reality porn, and is somewhat of an issue the world over with all sorts of things, but Oculus Rift Porn is certainly no exception and it would be great if we could see something really amazing coming out of the woodwork to surprise us.

An orgy in vr would be cool, perhaps utilizing a device that allows you to experience contact with multiple orifices at once? Â Sounds expensive but hey, when it comes to porn and sex things have always been costly, so why not?
At any rate, I am getting more and more excited about the prospect of what these new teledildonic-enabled social sites are shaping up to bring to the world, lets just hope we can keep people hyped enough to keep developers working hard and getting their feet wet making us hard and wet!