There’s a new player in town when it comes to pornography. We’re not talking about a new web site or a new way to get porn on your mobile device. We mean a whole new delivery system that brings the futuristic vision of 3d porn right into your home. The Oculus Rift head mounted virtual reality display that will soon be coming to mainstream markets. While the mainstream gaming market is getting ready with all their virtual reality releases, the adult world is also gearing up for this game changing piece of technology.

Currently, there are a limited number of ways you can experience adult entertainment. The traditional porn site will provide you with still images, video clips and movies. Some may have some interactive aspects such as cam girls or live-streaming porn action where the audience can suggest how the scene goes. With both of those you are limited to the two dimensions that your computer screen can deliver. Interactive adult technology like Second Life lets you step in slightly further into the adult world, but again you’re limited by slower loading times, lesser graphics and that pesky flat screen display.
With Oculus Rift, thought, the standard “flat” pornography is put to sleep with a 110 degree field of view. Before, while you were limited to watching the porn on your screen, you can now become much closer to the action. The growing popularity of POV (or point of view porn, where the camera man is the one having sex with the model) is no surprise given the fact that the Oculus Rift can adapt to that style so well. You will actually feel like you’re in the action, with the girls, getting laid. You’ll be able to turn your head and watch the action going on in the room around you, or keep your vision concentrated on what’s going on with you and your virtual lover. Or, you can step away from the action to maintain a truly voyeuristic point of view.
So what does this mean for the porn industry? We suspect that the current falling state of the industry, with the large amount of free and stolen porn on the internet, will start to wane. For virtual reality experiences, more than likely you will need to connect to some sort of membership based website in order to get the live feed. This means more money for the porn studios that are producing the porn, which will in turn create more virtual reality porn in increasing quality. Sure, you’ll get pirated versions of games, but to be truly emerged in the world and to control it yourself (as opposed to downloading someone else’s experience) you’ll more than likely need to be connected in a legal way.
Those who enjoy a more live experience with live cam feeds and interactive porn performances will more than likely also see an increase in revenue. As the customer who enjoys this style of adult entertainment isn’t satisfied by replayed cam streams, those who are catering to the Oculus Rift will start to see members heading their way.
We are also anticipating that there will be an increase in the 3D animated style porn that as of now is a rather smaller niche. People will take their experiences in fictional worlds like Second Life and seek out pornographic versions on the Oculus Rift. Those who enjoy anime and manga pornography, fantasy 3D style porn, or even just comic style girl will have a new way to experience the action. The down side to this type of porn is that it is very complex and very expensive to make when produced as video as opposed to still art. Hopefully the possible increased revenue from the Oculus Rift will help push this virtual sex niche into the future.
One thing that we anticipate won’t be as positive – at least for the consumer – is an increase in price. At first, due to a supply and demand balance, we would venture to guess that specifically made Oculus Rift porn will be significantly higher in price than your standard porn membership. The porn studios will assume that not only will someone who paid $300+ for an Oculus Rift will be willing to invest more in pornography specifically made for that – especially when the number of porn studios creating Oculus Rift compatible porn will be small at first. But, once the number of Oculus Rifts out there increases, we assume that the prices will start to fall.
So what does the future hold for Oculus Rift and pornography? Integration with teledildonics, one on one virtual sex shows on demand, and maybe even a way to insert yourself into your lover’s scene so that you can have virtual sex with your lover from thousands of miles away. The market is so open, it should certainly be an interesting ride!
beyond stoked for this. You are completely on track, except I don’t think the cost will be that bad. I know there is unlimited free porn videos, streaming, downloads…. , so in the beginning there will be a cost, but I think that once the Oculus drops, there will be a ton of porn, interactive games, apps, etc and within months a ton of this will be free. Some of the masturbating toys will probably cost a bit, but things like that are out there are pretty cheap…