I’m sure by now you have all heard of Janus VR (if you haven’t, get out from under that rock and head here to get up to speed);  Well, it would appear that reddit user VR_XXX has done the VR Porn community a solid (thanks!) and set to work a few weeks ago creating adult movie theaters and other sexy goodies for the browser, allowing anybody with an Oculus Rift (the browser isn’t Rift-Exclusive, but is made with VR in mind, obviously.) to enjoy all the pleasures that watching Oculus Rift Porn in a Virtual Reality Browser entails!
As of this writing there are a number of theaters to explore, all you need to do is download and install Janus VR if you haven’t already (Linux | Windows), then browse (using Janus) to /r/xxxVRsites by pressing TAB in the browser and typing in http://www.reddit.com/r/xxxvrsites and checking out the doors that appear in the newly created space (You will need to have the K-Lite codec pack installed, which you can get here).
Aside from the theaters there are some 360° stereoscopic images and IMGUR gallery links to look at; and if you should be so inclined you can follow the instructions given on the subreddit to create your own links for people to enjoy.

sharing is caring everybody! 🙂

It is my opinion that it is these kinds of community driven experiences that make a person really appreciate what the VR revolution is bringing to our homes (and our bedrooms).  Janus VR has done something great in giving us a way to take content from the net and build it into an experience that we can share with others; and the ability to view internet content, porn or otherwise, is not something that we should take lightly.
With these advancements it’s not difficult to envision a future where the entire internet is an immersive and seamless VR/AR experience; and the devs behind Janus and people like VR_XXX are helping to make that future a reality.

Janus is still a work in progress and is constantly evolving, so expect a few quirks here and there; but if you’ve been following this VR thing at all over the course of the last year or so, that shouldn’t come as a surprise.  It’s all still rather new and amazing as it stands, and things are only going to get better.

So if you haven’t done so already, install Janus VR and get your ass over to /r/xxxvrsites/ to enjoy some Oculus Rift Porn!!

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1 Comment

  1. wow…that’s news to me. Will have to check out for sure.
    Still not sure if I’m picking up DK2……decisions, decisions..

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