A couple of years back, following the overwhelming success of the Oculus Kickstarter and when the first round of devkits finally started to arrive on the doorsteps of eager developers and enthusiasts the world over, I was horny (I am almost always horny) and got to thinking about just how awesome it would be if we could one day experience games like Sexy Beach Zero, or the Artificial Girl series in virtual reality; The Illusion games (as well as thriXXX and those iconic titles of Larry Laffer fame), were a large part of what constituted my consumption of adult material over the last few decades, and given how they are all played out in 3D they seemed like a natural fit for VR HMD’s.
In fact, it was these kind of thoughts that lead me to this job.
(…and thus my introduction to the many varied interests that the world of VR Porn has to offer was born.)

Now we are told by almost everybody with any authority in the VR scene time and time again the importance of VR support being built into a game from the ground up, and while I agree with that concept wholeheartedly, if there is anything out there that comes anywhere close to breaking that rule it is the very sexy Play Club VR Mod (cltrl + f and do a search for “PlayClubVR”) for the Oculus Rift DK2 by HongFire contributer EusthEnoptEron .
If you haven’t tried PlayClub yet and don’t know what it is about, let me enlighten you.
An eroge game created by Illusion, Play Club puts you in the shoes of Kageyama Kouji. A young man who is tasked to sexually assault 3 sisters and their mother (ok, so it’s a little dark but remember boys and girls, it comes from Japan, and it is only a game!), by the twisted owner of a secluded mansion. The game starts off introducing you to the characters with a quick H-scene (sex scene, or hentai scene to the uninitiated) to move the story forwards and then after selecting and customizing your location and characters you can go through more scenes, this time having sex with the characters in order to “train” them, as per the instructions given to you by the owner of the mansion, Nitou Masamune.
Basically, the game consists of reading a bit of stuff, making the occasional decision “choose your own adventure” style, and (the bulk of it is thankfully) fucking hot girls, which is, well… Hot!
The graphics and audio are all excellent as it is, but what really makes this game shine as with other Illusion titles before it, is it’s moddability. Although the game was only released a few short months ago, the HongFire community has been hard at work and a quick look at the dedicated Play Club mod release thread reveals dozens of additions to the game ranging from decensoring, clothing and texturing alterations, accessories, scene additions/modifications, as well as the Play Club VR Mod that is the focus of this post; with more being added regularly!
So what makes the VR mod for this game so special? Surely it can’t be that great given that it is a modification and this game was not built with VR in mind right? Wrong. The experience is next to seamless and I would easily rank Play Club VR at the top of my list of most enjoyable VR Porn experiences to date. Everything runs smoothly, the mod is easy to use (just extract the files into your games directory and run the relevant exe) and quite configurable.
In case you don’t believe me on that last part, here is a list of shortcuts taken from EusthEnoptEron’s post on the original mod release thread over on hf,
F12: Recenter
Space / MiddleMouse: Hide GUI
F4: Change GUI projection mode
F5: Toggle camera lock mode (by default, only rotation around Y is allowed)
Alt+S: Save settings
Alt+D: Load settings
Backspace: Remove head of male actor
Insert: Move camera to the head of the male actor
(Ctrl/Shift)+X: Impersonate male actor. Press CTRL or Shift for different implementations.
And some more using the keys on the keypad:
[+/-]: Move GUI up / down
Alt+[+/-]: Increase / decrease IPD
Shift+[+/-]: Increase / decrease GUI distance
Ctrl+[+/-]: Increase / decrease GUI size
So as you can see a fair bit of care and dedication went into this mod and it definitely shows; and furthermore the mod is compatible with every other mod we tried so you can rest easy that virtually any perverted transformation that is made to this game, you will be able to enjoy it in your Oculus Rift without issue. While it would be nice to see the mod being updated a little more frequently, it works great as it is and shouldn’t give you any trouble so long as you are capable of following a few very simple directions. There is one caveat regarding using this mod alongside the Camera Modifications mod, in that rather than using the first-person view that that mod includes you need to use “X”, “Shift+X” or “Ctrl+X”, but that is absolutely the only issue that we could find and only bears mentioning because it is there. So head on over to the Illusion Play Club threads over at HongFire, download the Play Club VR mod if you happen to own an HMD (try the game anyhow even if you don’t, it is awesome either way) and fap away!!