If you could pick any Porn game to date and make it into a VR title, what would it be? There are so many out there it’s a tough choice for sure, but it’s a good way to give devs some ideas of what kind of experiences people are the most interested in.
I, for one, would like to see some of the games from the Leisure Suit Larry series redone for VR (though the poor success of the last few titles gives doubt that Al will return to the industry). “Magna Cum Laude” was one of my favorite adult gaming experiences by far, with the series taking a serious dive after that; but perhaps VR could give it a much needed revival?
Bonetown was another awesome title that deserves to be Riftified; It had it all: drugs, sex and enough potty humour to turn a pecker pink. They may have overstepped their boundaries a little in the religious/political department, but that was part and parcel to the mood that they were trying to achieve and they pulled it off amiably in my opinion. I tried getting it to work last year in the Rift using Tridef, but the convergence was all fucked up and it gave me a headache before it gave me a hard-on…

There are a lot of hentai games out there I would like to see with official VR support; pretty much anything by Thrixxx would be cool, and all of the Illusion titles are great (and playable with Tridef and DK1). There is something about the sexy anime girls in the Illusion games that is a real turn-on for me; and the ability to oogle them up close in VR is a special treat I can only imagine would be made better with official support.
So what kind of Porn games would you guys like to see in VR? As you can probably tell by my post I am a little more into the adventure-type games with slapstick humor and lots of T&A, but I’m pretty much open to anything (other than torture/violence).
Let us know in the comments below!
Bonetown is a good call for a VR porn game; though I have to admit that I’ve never found games and porn to go great together. They seem to use different parts of my brain. If I want to get aroused, I don’t want to be focused on playing the game, and vice-versa.
That said, I’d love to see just some high-quality sexy avatars that can interact with each other and with toys. I wish there was better quality latex and skin, and female avatars that cross that uncanny valley with their uncanny valleys 🙂
Literally anything that involves the person with the VR helmet being tentacle sexed. It’s a huge fetish of mine that I doubt will ever be fulfilled in any other way. Sadly, thus far all people have done as far as VR tentacle hentai is go “hurp derp, I bet Japan is going to make that, lol derp lol.” It’s an actual market that would be extremely successful if filled. Hopefully someday someone will stop just making jokes about VR tentacles and just do it.
Same goes for BDSM. Could we please get some actual BDSM for VR instead of boring vanilla stuff? None of its interesting at all. And SM simulations would be nice, I want to whip subs in a holodeck. Or at least some bondage. Like seriously, there’s a huge gap for fantasy fulfillment. It’s not tough to get to experience what it’s like to be fucked in missionary position or to fuck someone uber-vanilla. Boring. I have kink in my life, can I get some in my VR porn too? Developers, please make something actually interesting, thank you.
A flash game called super deepthroat. Imagine that with motion synced to a fleshlight or your hand or something like that.
I would love to see virtuagirl with this 🙂
So would I Sir, so would I…. :p
Well… Maybe someone could create some VR Pokemon Porn possibly. Or how about since the Squid Sisters from Splatoon are now on SFM, do something with those two.
Could get interesting! I’m sure within a year or two we are going to see all sorts of fantasies and fetishes being catered to in VR!
Porn SF VR game