So we’ve chatted about how to use 3rd party programs to view regular 2d porn in the Rift, but how about using 3rd party programs to play unsupported 3d porn games in the Rift? Enter Tridef Experimental Rift support.
You may recognize the name Tridef or DDD as these guys have been making stereoscopic drivers and monitors for a very long time indeed, so you can trust that they have the experience needed to make things work; originally founded in Perth, Australia in the early 90’s, they went through extensive R&D before they finally commercialized in 2003, making this year over a decade in operations.
So what do you have to do to get the drivers up and running? Well the suite generally costs $40 and comes free with the experimental Rift support, but you can download a 14-day trial here. Once you got that up and running, download and install this package over top of your existing Tridef install and you’ll be ready to go. You will also want to take a look through this thread in the event that you have any problems and for some general ideas on how to get things working and any updates that might have come along by the time you have read this post.

So now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, how do the drivers perform and what games do they work with? Well, so far I’ve had the best of luck with games from the Illusion series, Premium Play Darkness being my favorite; but to get them working properly you are going to need to download Minimax’s IllusionVR package from HongFire and follow the instructions found by running the contained .exe; You can download the current 2.4.0 package here and it will tell you everything you need to know.
One of the greatest things about Tridef is it doesn’t limit you to what games you can try in VR, so long as the game can be run with directX 9 (10/11 are still unsupported, but that should change sometime soon); but it will definitely need an update (or two) before it will be properly compatible with DK2, so for now at least, you are limited to using your DK1.
Let us know how it works for you!