It's all about the benjamins

Well yesterday was one heck of a doozy. Not only were we all filled with excitement from the pre-order store for the consumer Oculus Rift finally going live, but Oculus’ $599 US dollar announcement was the big deal that was on most peoples minds.
Not a small bit of cash by any means, it is hard to say at this point whether or not the high price tag will stop many people who previously wanted the Rift from getting one, but it seems pretty obvious that it is going to be a barrier for entry for a lot of people.

A hot girl with some cash

Nude girl on bill
You’ll need 9 of these to buy the new Rift if you’re a Canadian!

Now, whether or not that will effect adult porn producers and adult game developers working towards cashing in on the VR craze, is something that has everybody a little concerned. The Oculus Rift is the flagship VR device after all. The one that everybody has been talking about and the one that the majority of the population seems keen on getting. Either porn companies and budding naughty-devs are going to take the high cost as a sign that mass market adoption isn’t going to happen any time soon and hold back production on VR porn, or they are going to continue to produce under the premise that there are enough alternative HMD users (VR One, Google Cardboard, Gear VR, Oculus DevKits, etc.) to make it worth their while to come up with new content, and they will continue to develop as things… develop.

The latter seems like the most likely option though. After all, it isn’t as if current HMD owners aren’t going to continue to want to look at porn, so you already have a few hundred thousand people who own Rift DevKits, and then there are all the other owners of headsets such as those mentioned above, so there is definitely a market for this stuff regardless of whether or not Oculus flops around for the first few years as the tech matures and they can afford to bring prices down to earth.

What do you all think? Will the barrier of entry due to the high cost of the Rift have any sway over adult producers and developers?
Let us know in the comments below!

And, Happy New Years!

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