I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s been a great year for Virtual Reality! A couple of scares along the way (this reddit post in particular, and this one that clears it up) but for the most part it’s been pretty smooth sailing!
Oculus is now officially owned by Mr. Zuckerberg and with that acquisition finalized I must admit there was some serious apprehension out there on the interwebz about what exactly that would bode for the future of VR Porn, and rightfully so;
but now that the deal is done and hands have been shaken, it feels good to know that somebody as monetarily powerful as Facebook guiding the reigns, as you can guarantee that the future of VR is secured.
Also, given that the social goliaths already massive existing infrastructure (you thought I was going to say something else didn’t you?) can be utilized for whatever they have planned for the Rift, the idea of a billion-person wide Virtual MMO doesn’t sound so far off as it did before.
So now that we are somewhat secure with the idea that Facebook is not out to lock-down the market and limit our VR experiences (at least not initially, but by the time they try to there will be plenty of different players in the field) we just need developers to step up to the plate and show the world what Virtual sex is all about!
That’s not to say that there isn’t some great content out there already, there definitely is; but I think that most everybody would agree that it is nigh time for something fresh to thrust ourselves (or rub, lick, suck… whatever) upon.
So come on everybody, I only bring it up so frequently because people need to understand that if they want more VR Porn content, that they are interested in more VR Porn content.
Get out there and tell the world how much you want to see more adult material for the Rift and it will happen.
Make it happen.