With Palmer Luckey working hard to alleviate fears and the dust finally beginning to settle since the announcement of Facebookâs acquisition of our beloved progenitor of the VR revolution, itâs not hard for a person to want to just sit back and tell themselves that all is well in the world of VR, and in our case the world of VR Porn.
There is plenty of speculation abound however and not all of it necessarily unfounded, that the Oculus Rift will eventually find itself closed down to a marketplace where Zuckerberg reigns supreme, and should that happen it is almost a guarantee that Oculus Rift Porn will be over before it begins.
The majority of those I have spoken to carry the belief that if such an atrocity were to occur and the Rift was to ultimately find itself at the whim of the Facebook Overlords prohibitory ambitions, one could simply look to jailbreak the device in a fashion similar to that of Appleâs most preeminent bit of hand-held gadgetry, the iPod (iPhone, iPad, etc.); and danger averted, open the gates and let the porn come flooding home.
Oh sure you will be able to browse websites that host porn content; and I’m thinking itâs a safe bet to assume that websites like OculusRealPorn.com will live strong regardless of what sort of anti-adult measures Facebook may devise to impose. I mean after all, that would require them barring VR video and browsing applications, and such a move would assuredly detract from the usefulness of the device in a way that would only serve to endanger itâs marketability.
Mr. Zuckerberg may be a lot of things, but he is far from being shortsighted or stupid; and locking down the Oculus Rift completely just to keep the “porneussieurs” at bay, would hardly be considered a judicious endeavor.

VR Porneussier!
The problem with this hopeful sentiment however is the fact that though it may be true such a locked down device will most certainly have itâs securities circumvented, people are overlooking the fact that developers are unlikely to make much, if any, money from applications that are limited to running on a hacked version of the device; and no money means you and I are equally as unlikely to see anything really great coming as a result of it.
If a serious developer canât get their game or app on the official store, what incentive is there for them to bother making one at all?
Assuming the device is indeed locked down in the future of course.
So let me finish off by saying Iâm not really certain one way or the other how things will go in a few years from now, none of us can be. Â Mr. Luckey and company are on the record saying the acquisition wonât take away their freedom to pursue their original vision, but itâs hard to say how those words will hold up if and when their new chieftain decides to uproot their dreams in favor of his own perhaps more utilitarian intentions.
That does not mean we have to sit by idly and wait to see what which way the fire blows however; there is always a voice to reason and perhaps the most important thing in times like these is to let your voice be heard.
If you are concerned as to the future of Oculus Rift Pornography and that of the Oculus Rift in general, leave Zuck a message or email your thoughts to support@oculusvr.com
Facebook can only put restrictions on the Rift. VR is the platform, Rift is just a VRviewing device who is about to face fierce competition from similar HMDs in the future. Would Panasonic restrict the use of porn on their TVs if they knew Philips and every other TV manufacturer would allow it? Rift has the best technology today, but others aren’t too far behind.
Betamax had better technology than VHS, but VHS had porn, so they won. A lesson I’m sure Oculus paid attention to.
Unless Facebook pays for exclusive rights to a VR game, it will be available on every suitable PC VR HMD out there, and if Facebook has an exclusive marketplace for the Rift, the worlds biggest PC digital games marketplace Valve is going to embrace the competing HMDs who have no such restrictions. In the future Valve is depending on selling VR games and software, and they won’t stand idly by and watch Facebook monopolising VR PCgaming sales and publishing.
So making porn for the Rift.. sure maybe it sounds risky with Facebook involved, but again, the Rift is not the platform, Facebook did not buy the platform, so making porn available on all future VR headsets, now that’s where the money will be.
Of course you are right, but as the title and content of the post suggests I was talking about the Oculus Rift in particular.
It is definitely comforting to know that there will be competing HMD’s, but only time will tell how successful (or not) the competitors will be.
Thanks for your input!
at the SVVR Con: Ubercast 2014 â With Special Guest, Palmer Luckey podcast interview, Palmer was asked specifically about porn and Oculus. Yes or no to porn. In his own direct way Palmer replied basicly that anyone can make whatever they want for the Rift, and Oculus wouldn’t restrict creation and distribution in any way other than what they do today by having a “no mature content policy” on their Oculus Share.
So I take it a thirdparty marketplace for Mature Content, would not be hindered by Oculus.
Well that is about the best news I’ve heard all week. Hopefully more developers get the message and start making some great VR Porn content!!
What’s the general consensus with Facebook buying out Oculus? It’s seems pretty good on the surface to me. I agree with janR that no doubt there with be more support for whomever has the least restrictions. And porn wins.
Initially nobody really knew where the real intent behind the acquisition lay, so there was plenty of room for speculation. Given FB’s stance towards adult material in general, I think it was quite understandable that there would be a degree of concern among the VR Porn crowd in particular.
Of course, now that we have heard plenty of support from Oculus detailing what their plans are (or aren’t, as in they aren’t planning on limiting what content will be accessible on the device) things have quieted down considerably.
Is anyone making adult/mature style apps for Oculus? I see that market being absolutely massive. Or mini-games? If I were in the business I’d focus on this area- imagine how many people x 1-5 euro apps…
As of now I haven’t heard much in regards to new projects in development, but you can bet that as soon as there is something to report on that front, you will find it here!