So we all know where this VR thing is headed, right? Eventually the internet as we know it will be integrated seamlessly with an immersive Virtual Reality multiverse where people will meet and hang out and sip virtual coffee in virtual hangouts between Google searches, playing VR games and watching Virtual Reality Porn (or having virtual sex with their VStroker version 2.0).
Ok, so there will likely be a little more to it than that but you get the picture, and one thing is for certain, it’s going to be amazing. How couldn’t it be?
Random Virtual Reality Sex with complete strangers? Yes please!
And whether Oculus remains the captain of the ship seems somewhat inconsequential now, the cat is out of the bag and it’s wearing a VR headset; and I would challenge anybody to try to slow that pussy down. It would seem that Virtual Reality has made it to the big time folks, and it is here to stay.
Speaking of pussy and the multiverse, hot damn if that doesn’t sound like a good combination to my mind. As it stands now I’ve definitely had my fair share of naughty talks with random people on the internet (at least I hope they were people, it would suck to find out they were anything else) and I’m not ashamed to admit I have enjoyed my fair share of flirting on this site or that one; the jump from random sex chat to bonafide VR humping with strangers just sounds like a natural step to me.
I can’t help but think that entertaining that concept in a VR space would be quite enthralling indeed; imagine walking into a chat room and seeing some hottie eyeing you up from the corner of the room, and instead of being relegated to typing on your keyboard and playing with yourself you can instead whisk yourselves away to your private Virtual party house (or yacht, BDSM dungeon, etc.) and show each other a good time, in Virtual Person!
I’ve carried a personal vision throughout the last 20 years of an augmented/virtual reality enabled “world overlay” which will allow us to jump in and out of the multiverse at will, and it’s all beginning to come true. The Oculus Rift was the push needed to get the ball rolling, now all we need is some form of full body haptic feedback and and all that exists within the world of Virtual Reality adult entertainment will be golden.