Aside from everything else awesome about the Oculus Rift and our future filled with Oculus Rift pornography, one of the greatest abilities the technology is bringing to the playing field is something never before seen in a consumer-grade HMD and it is sure to be another reason why virtual reality porn will be amazing: Positional Tracking.

Oh just think of the possibilities! Not only will we be able to walk and look around in virtual reality smut-filled worlds getting our rocks off in the privacy of our headsets (don’t forget, just because you can’t see them, doesn’t mean they can’t see you) but with the inclusion of proper positional tracking we should actually be able to look into those previously unseen places that at one point in time were mostly delegated to the frantic scramblings of the average gamer; fretfully working to line things up just right so a look up between the stairs or rocks will reveal (if they are lucky) the polygonal panties of their favorite video game heroine (only to have her walk her ass off the screen a mere 2 seconds after the money shot has been achieved, leaving them to shamelessly masturbate their poor selves to sleep).

15 points!

Upskirts, peeping toms and all manners of virtual voyeurism could be introduced to the growing VR porn genre, making for some excellent opportunities for developers to showcase their skills and give us something fun and arousing.
I can imagine a game perhaps where successfully spying on girls in their bedrooms and bathrooms while they get changed, have sex, clean themselves or masturbate, would earn the player points; while getting caught would land your ass either in jail or net you a whooping from an angry husband or neighbor, should you prove yourself unable to get (qte?) your pants on fast enough to defend yourself.
Similarly, a game where you need to scope out the best places to get the best upskirt shots (no panties wins you the real gold) to sell on a virtual marketplace could also be good for some sexy (albeit slightly creeper) enjoyment. They could even have virtual celebrities (or mockups thereof) hanging in the harder to reach areas (bypassing security guards is difficult enough as it is, just imagine doing it with your pants down) that would act as sort of boss battles netting you the chance to earn “super shot” rewards and showcase your achievements on the leaderboards for all to cree… (errr, I mean see).

And while these ideas may indeed come off as a little bit creepy or weird to some, hey it’s not reality man; and it could also be a nut-load of fun!

So while we continue to wait for a release date on DK2 and the consumer version of the Rift, I will continue to fantasize about the amazing possibilities that await us in the near future; and to all of you would-be virtual reality porn game developers out there, don’t hesitate to comment about what cool ideas you think the Rift could be used for in the vr porn world  below. The porn world needs your genius and if you aren’t going to build it, it is your duty as a porn lover to help somebody else build it in your place.

Don’t be a hater, be an innovator.  – Alexxx

Embrace the VR upskirt now.


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1 Comment

  1. I love the idea. Who isnt a fan of the upskirt.
    Endless possibilities for developers. Can’t wait to see what will come out of the pipes.

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