That is what I believe most people think of when they think of Virtual Reality.
But I’m not really talking about the people who are still wondering if something like VR will ever make it to primetime (get out from under your rocks man), but more so what the majority of us gamers, media munchers and movie-goers want to be immersed in when we don our magical head-gear and fly away to another world.
We want an escape, a way to get away from the 9 to 5, we want to visit new worlds and see new things (as well as have sex with them) and Oculus Rift has provided us with the possibility to do just that. Now all we need is for the Oculus Rift Porn world to follow suit.
Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love what people have come up with so far, and just the experience of being able to move around in Virtual Reality is definitely something cool and new; but so far we have yet to really see anything really interesting or far out there in the world of virtual video game smut. The majority of our current choices being limited to virtual representations of real world situations; and while that may not be so bad for the time being and it certainly has it’s place, I would like to see developers start working to provide us with a break from what our current reality is already capable of providing; and instead begin to offer up a taste of the odd, unique, and outright alien kinds of experiences that virtual reality is equipped to provide.
There is a whole new pornographic universe for us to explore and for the most part we have been limiting ourselves to the same kinds of mundane sex-acts we have been doing for the last couple of decades.
I want to see weird, I want to see crazy.
I want to see out-of-this-world freakshow carnival unicorn-alien sex on the back of a space-turtle (okay maybe not that as it sounds dangerous, but it could be cool), Â or to watch myself spinning above the swiss alps while portals to different dimensions open up around me and tentacled cat-goddess figures with 20 arms and 13 vaginas a piece beckon me to explore their many multiple orifices with my 30 foot long (and plentifully tattooed) flaming electric rod.
I want something different.
After all, that is the real heart of what Virtual Reality is all about right? Providing us with the ability to leave this dimension and enter into a new one altogether? So come on devs, it’s time to leave the safety of the known world and jump into the abyss of the strange and unknown.
At the very least bring a little imagination into the mix.
I’ve always wondered what sex with a naughty forest-fairy under the light of the silver moon might be like (seriously, I had some cool fantasies when I was growing up).
Or you could just gIve us a VR porn version of that video game where you type in whatever you want to and it comes to life (ScribbleNuts?).
Yeah, that ought to do.